Sunday, January 18, 2009

iPhone 4G, not just another iPhone

What's up viewers, I found this iPhone 4G video (yup, it's a fake, but it's nice fake, hence "not just another iPhone, 'cause it's not an iPhone). Anyway it has some nice features I would like to hope for, so check it out:

Now that you've seen the video, here are the features I like: landscape home screen, ability to change settings by clicking on the status bar icon, and, of course, the 5 mp camera. It would be nice if this "iPhone 4G" actually ran on a 4G network, unfortunately, there is no 4G for GSM :( oh well...

Hopefully someone from Apple saw this video and decides to put the software upgradeable features like landscape mode and the status icon settings change thingy in the next firmware update (not likely, but here's hoping) :D

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